Preparing for your surgery

The journey to your new self

You’re about to embark on an exciting journey towards your new self! But before you take the first step, it’s essential to get organized to ensure that everything runs smoothly after surgery. Here are some valuable tips to help you prepare for this process:

1) Tell your doctor: Don’t forget to tell your doctor about any medication you are taking. This includes weight-loss drugs, anabolic steroids, antidepressants, anti-hemorrhagic drugs, anticoagulants, anti-inflammatory drugs, anuretics and diuretics, anti-rheumatic drugs, drugs containing ASA (acetylsalicylic acid), vitamin E or Ginko Biloba, contraceptive pills. It’s crucial to share Every information to ensure your safety during surgery.

2) Special Attention for Hypertensive and Diabetic Patients: If you are hypertensive or diabetic, pay attention to the special guidelines that will be provided to ensure that you are optimally prepared.

3) Say No to Smoking and Toxic Substances: Although they don’t prevent surgery, smoking and the use of toxic substances, such as drugs and alcohol, can increase the risk of post-operative complications. Give your body a break from these habits at least a month before and after surgery. The ideal, of course, would be to seize the opportunity and say farewell to these unhealthy habits once and for all. But if it’s too challenging to say this ultimate goodbye, at least a week before surgery, stay away from alcohol and substances that are harmful to surgery and anesthesia to ensure a smooth recovery.

4) Maintain a Balanced Diet: Avoid prolonged fasting or rapid weight loss in the days leading up to surgery. You should be on a stable weight, healthy and balanced diet for at least 2 weeks before surgery. This is essential to ensure that your body is ready for the procedure.

5) Prepare yourself: Take time to prepare yourself mentally and physically for the surgery. Plan your social, domestic, professional or school activities to ensure that you have a peaceful recovery period, for approximately 2 to 3 weeks.

6) Report Changes in Your General Condition: Any change in your state of health, no matter how minor, should be reported to the medical team. This includes everything from a simple cold, flu, malaise, early menstruation to coagulation issues, such as a tendency to bruises, excessive bleeding, a history of thrombosis, etc. It’s important to keep the team informed to ensure your safety.

We are here to guide you every step of this path, ensuring that your journey towards your new self is smooth and peaceful. Soon, you’ll be ready to welcome a new version of yourself!

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