The eyelid plastic rectifies only the eyelid’s skin and fat excess, and muscle sagginess, in certain cases also improving the functional additionally to the aesthetic aspect.
However, the surgery should not cause any injury to the eyelid function, provided the postoperative period elapses properly.
There is not an ideal age to operate the eyelids, but rather the ideal opportunity, led by an existing defect to be rectified.
The scars
Since the eyelid skin is very thin, the scars tend to be under cover within the eyelid fold. Thereby, you should await the complete scar maturation (minimum 3 months). Due to their location, the scars are likely to be covered with a light makeup, since the early days after surgery.
Postoperative period
In most cases, it is not necessary to occlude the eyes after surgery.
However, it is worth stressing that regular cooling, for few minutes several times daily, is a great prophylaxis against severe edema, thus boosting its fading.
Usually no pain occurs after surgery. Eventual increased sensitivity or pain surges can be easily solved through usual painkillers, observing medical guidelines.
Eye swelling varies from patient to patient.
Some people look on the 4th or 5th day already very natural. Some others will achieve this result after the 8th day.
Even so, the first 3 days after surgery are those with the most intensive eyelid swelling.
Wearing sunglasses can be useful during this period.
The bruises or reddish spots observed in some cases represent the blood infiltration in the underlying skin or the conjunctiva; and are due to surgical trauma per se. This, however, does not cause any future problem and is not considered a complication, but rather a transient and reversible intercurrence.
On average, the final outcome is achieved after the 3rd month. However, soon after the 8th day we can observe approximately 25% of the expected result, and within the 2 or 3 following weeks, this tends to improve markedly.
After all, is the outcome worth the effort
If you are aware of what you want, and we find out by the evaluation that it is possible to provide it through the blepharoplasty, the surgery undoubtedly pays off. However, it is worth taking into consideration that the eyelid plastic does not provide general face rejuvenation, when performed separately. The accomplished improvements are restricted to the treated area. “Crow’s feet”, even if properly operated, will never disappear, remaining as stigma due to the orbicularis muscle’s activity (muscle that moves the eyelids) and an elasticity decrease of the remaining skin.